Pronghorn Records a Zero TRIF for 2018


Pronghorn Records a Zero TRIF for 2018

Pronghorn has no recordable injuries in 2018! 

We are proud to announce that Pronghorn finished 2018 with a very significant achievement – we worked for all of 2018 with a Total Recordable Injury Frequency of ZERO!  Having no recordable injuries in one year is an outstanding accomplishment – one that required the commitment of every single employee.   Many mid-sized organizations that are similar to Pronghorn never have a safety milestone of this significance.    Yves Tremblay, President & CEO said, “These kinds of milestones don’t just happen – they require a strong safety culture and they also require employees to be committed to teamwork.  I am proud of Pronghorn and all of our employees as I believe that both of these values are strong within our organization.”